August 18, 2020
Racism in Housing

It seems like an important moment to consider how housing has significantly contributed to the history and current results of institutionalized racism in America. This short and very watchable video traces the disturbing practices of discriminatory lending & zoning known as “red-lining” that created segregated cities throughout the country. It also reminds us of the misguided 1970’s practice of “Urban Renewal” that bulldozed the historic multi-cultural heart of many US cities to make way for highways. These policies created wildly disparate environments for white and BIPOC residents. The quality of schools, libraries, infrastructure, economic opportunities, recreation facilities, and safety for one’s family were all directly impacted by these racist practices. While the overt policies have largely stopped, their results are still institutionalized in concrete today. Healing the racial divide begins with awareness, and we hope this post shines a light on our industry’s role in this pattern of systemic injustice. #BLM #ItAllStartsWithHome.