June 20, 2022
10,000 Incentive Blog

As Boulder County continues to recover from and adapt to the intensifying impacts of the climate crisis , Governor Jared Polis signed into law SB22-206. This landmark bill provides critical firefighting support, helps Coloradans build back with resilience in the wake of future natural disasters, and establishes an Office of Climate Preparedness that will take a long-term approach to wildfire mitigation. SB22-206's first offering will be a grant program from the Colorado Energy Office for homes lost in the Marshall Fire and East Troublesome Fire. These grants will provide $10,000 for high efficiency electric homes or long-term rental units. To qualify for this incentive, the rebuilt homes must use heat pumps for space heating, electric stoves (either electric resistance or induction), and heat pump water heaters. Incidental gas use for equipment, such as fireplaces or grills, is allowed. Read the full report here. Additional information regarding rebuilding after the Marshall Fire can be found here.