February 7, 2024
Unhoused Migrant Support

We’ve all seen the heartbreaking news articles - 35,000 Venezuelan migrants shipped by Governor Abbot of Texas to Denver as a political stunt. A politician using the most vulnerable people as pawns; dropping them off unannounced in random locations, without any support. While we may not be able to stop that, we can help provide immediate relief for some of their most basic needs. Our firm just sent a van full of warm clothes to Denver Human Services.

The Newcomers Fund is currently accepting monetary donations from the general public. Donations will go directly to the city’s nonprofit partners who are supporting migrants with resource navigation, shelter and other services. Here are other ways to help.

And on a related note, Colorado needs more housing….everywhere, but especially in Denver. We need every kind of housing, but more attainable housing most of all. Please help support a political environment where providing shelter to those most in need is our highest priority, and takes precedence over property taxes, traffic or crime. Creating the conditions for everyone to have a safe, supported and fulfilled life starts with housing.